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Through personal stories and interviews with experts, we expose the true scope of migraine by exploring symptoms, treatments, research topics and more.

Formerly known as Shades of Migraine.


Dec 5, 2023

In this episode, Dr. Sait Ashina talks to us about Medication Overuse Headache, also known as Rebound or Medication Adaptation Headache. He discusses how it occurs, who is more likely to develop it, and how to prevent or break the headache cycle.

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Nov 14, 2023

Service dogs can be a helpful tool for many disabilities and conditions, including migraine disease! Jennifer Kolar from Atlas Assistance Dogs discusses how a migraine service dog can help before and during an attack, plus how to train your pet dog to provide support.

*The contents of this podcast are...

Oct 10, 2023

Many people living with migraine disease often find relief by adding magnesium to their preventive treatment plans. In this episode, Registered Dietician Danielle Aberman discusses how supplemental magnesium may be helpful, the various forms, and doses typically used for prevention, as well as tips for getting the...

Sep 5, 2023

One in three people with migraine experience aura, a temporary sensory disturbance that occurs before or during the headache phase of an attack. In this episode, Dr. Jennifer Robblee describes types of auras, along with our current understanding of what happens in the brain during an aura.


Aug 8, 2023

Alternative treatments, such as supplements, mind/body therapies, physical therapy, and acupuncture, can be helpful, non-pharmacological additions to conventional migraine management plans. Headache specialist Dr. Abigail Chua discusses the pros and cons of alternative treatments and how to begin integrating...