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Through personal stories and interviews with experts, we expose the true scope of migraine by exploring symptoms, treatments, research topics and more.

Formerly known as Shades of Migraine.


Dec 27, 2021

We know migraine is often associated with visual symptoms but how do those symptoms differ from visual snow syndrome? Find out as Dr. Charles Shidlofsky describes visual snow symptoms, the syndromes overlap with migraine, possible treatments for both conditions and more. 

*The contents of this podcast are intended for...

Dec 13, 2021

Dr. Phil Harrington joins us to discuss the therapeutic benefits of laser treatments. He explains safety, describes how the therapy works and discusses how it can be beneficial for those with migraine.

*The contents of this podcast are intended for general informational purposes only and does not constitute...

Nov 15, 2021

Join us for a presentation by Dr. Roni Sharon about the newly approved Relivion neuromodulation device for the treatment of migraine. Dr. Sharon talks about how the device works to reduce migraine symptoms, their phone app that accompanies the device, efficacy, statistics and more.

*The contents of this podcast are...

Nov 2, 2021

In this episode, we speak to Dr. Chan and Dr. Chambers about long haul COVID and headaches. They discuss how COVID may cause long haul headaches, who is more likely to be diagnosed with COVID headaches and ways to prevent COVID-19.

*The contents of this podcast are intended for general informational purposes only and...

Oct 25, 2021

In this episode, Dr. Schim joins us to discuss Trudhesa, a newly approved abortive migraine treatment option. He explains the technology behind this new administration method for Dihydroergotamine nasal spray as well as efficacy and safety data.

*The contents of this podcast are intended for general informational...